- hair follicle
- волосяная фолликула
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
Hair follicle — A hair follicle is part of the skin that grows hair by packing old cells together. Attached to the follicle is a sebaceous gland, a tiny sebum producing gland found everywhere except on the palms, lips and soles of the feet. The thicker density… … Wikipedia
Hair follicle — A sac from which a hair grows and into which the sebaceous (oil) glands open. The follicle is lined by cells derived from the epidermal (outside) layer of skin. The human hair follicle is a dynamic structure that generates hair through a complex… … Medical dictionary
hair follicle — noun a small tubular cavity containing the root of a hair; small muscles and sebaceous glands are associated with them • Hypernyms: ↑follicle • Part Meronyms: ↑sebaceous gland, ↑sebaceous follicle, ↑glandulae sebaceae * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
hair follicle — hair′ fol licle n. anat. a small cavity in the epidermis and corium of the skin, from which a hair develops • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
hair follicle — noun Date: 1838 the tubular epithelial sheath that surrounds the lower part of the hair shaft and encloses at the bottom a vascular papilla supplying the growing basal part of the hair with nourishment see hair illustration … New Collegiate Dictionary
hair follicle — Anat. a small cavity in the epidermis and corium of the skin, from which a hair develops. See illus. under hair. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
hair follicle — /ˈhɛə fɒlɪkəl/ (say hair folikuhl) noun a small cavity from which a hair develops …
hair follicle — a sheath of epidermal cells and connective tissue that surrounds the root of a hair … The new mediacal dictionary
hair follicle — A shaft or opening on the surface of the skin through which hair grows … English dictionary of cancer terms
hair follicle receptors — rapidly adapting receptors that surround the roots of hair follicles … Medical dictionary
stem of hair follicle — name sometimes given to the segment of the hair follicle between the bulb and the isthmus … Medical dictionary